Youth Summer
Summer Bible Camp - 7th through 12th grade youth
Camp offers a variety of amazing activities for our youth including Bible studies, swimming, field games, bonfires, fishing, arts & crafts, and much more! Time spent at camp has proven to be one of the most faith-forming experiences in the lives of many kids and adults alike, so join us in the fun! Light of Christ brings youth to Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp (in Amery, WI) each summer.
Click here for specific info about Camp Wapo:
Lake Wapogasset Bible Camp - LOC info
7th & 8th Grade Summer Mission Trip
New in 2025! As we continue to grow and look to engage more youth, we are adding a summer mission (service-learning) trip for completed grades 7 and 8! This will be a Minneapolis/St. Paul based trip, serving at local social-service agencies. Here are some details:
- Dates: June 8-12, 2025
- Cost: Approximately $550-600
- Lodging: We will be staying at Luther Memorial Church in S. St. Paul
- More Info: Click here for the Info Packet and link to the recording of the Info Meeting on 10/30/24
- Register: Online by 12/18/24, along with your $100 deposit.
Summer Trips - 9th through 12th grade Youth
Check our Facebook and Youth Instagram page (@locyouth) for photos of our trip!
- Summer 2025 Service-Learning Trip to the N. Shore of MN: We hope you'll consider going on our trip next summer! Here is more info:
- What: a trip for LOC youth currently in grades 9-12 who want to grow deeper in their faith, serve and learn together on a trip in northern, MN!
- Where: Two Harbors, Duluth and Grand Marais, MN
- Cost: Approximately $550-600/person
- More Info: We had our info meeting on Wednesday, November 13th. If you were unable to attend, please click here to view the recording of the meeting. Info sheets were emailed out but can also be found at this link or picked up from the church office.
- Register: Online by 12/18/24, along with your $100 deposit.
- Summer 2024 Service-Learning Trip: We had an awesome group of youth go to Chicago, IL from June 23-28! We had 21 youth and 6 adults and we served at locations such as Exodus World Services, Project Cure, A Just Harvest and Bernie's Book Bank.
- Summer 2024 BWCA Adventure: This was our first week-long Boundary Water Canoe Area adventure through LOC! This trip included 6 youth (completed grades 11 and 12) and 3 adults and was an amazing experience of being outdoors and growing together in faith! We will keep you posted on plans for future summers in regards to a BWCA trip!
- Summer 2023: We had an amazing trip to Belize with 35 youth and 20 adults!!! Click here for the slides from our info meeting. Click here for our Belize Trip Slideshow!
- Summer 2022: 15 youth and 5 adults served in the Two Harbors, MN area through Service Learning Camps. Click here to watch the N. Shore photo slide show.
- Summer 2021: 15 youth and 2 adults served in the Denver, CO area through Service Learning Camps. Click here to watch the Denver photo slide show.